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Administrative and municipal law

Y.M. Alpatov Legal nature and mechanism of inter-municipal cooperation of the cities of federal value – Moscow and St. Petersburg

Abstract: the lack of unity in the understanding of the place and role of local self-government within the system of management of state and social matters, along with other negative social, economical and political issues, lead to the destruction of relations in the system of management in 1990s. Till the 2003 the issues of co-operation of municipal bodies were mostly unregulated. Taking into account the typical system of formation of local self-government in the Russian Federation, that is formation of self-government” from above”, such an approach is not acceptable. Currently the norms, regulating the issues of inter-municipal cooperation of cities of federal value are excepted from the federal and regional legislation, they are within the competence of these municipal structures.


inter-municipal cooperation, local self-government bodies, the city of federal value, the inner city territory, budget funds, principles of local self-government, right of people to municipal self-government, the goals of municipal value, organization of

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