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Politics and Society

Popov E.A., Kryaklina T.F. Methodology of assessment the demand for Russian graduates on the job market (on the example of Altai Krai)

Abstract: This article examines such methods as forecasting, formulation of state educational and professional standards, analysis of the social and statistical data, which in the authors’ opinion must be applied in consideration of the questions of the demand of the Russian graduates on the job market. It is demonstrated that the establishment of professional standards completed in Russia by 2015, while the federal state educational standards of higher education have changed several generations and need further improvement. The used in the article statistical and sociological data that characterize the demand of professions and competencies on the job market in a particular region of the Russian Federation, have certain specificity substantiated by the distinctness of the economic activity, as well as nature and climatic peculiarities. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the following statements: 1) demand of the graduates on the job market is the key criterion of the quality of education; 2) currently, in high demand are the professions associated with the active use of computer technologies (gamers, cyber-sportsmen, digital artists, startups, etc.) and not determined by the economic or climatic specificities.


professional standard, educational standard, design, job market, profession, demand, forecasting, society, Conception of social security, interdisciplinarity

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