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Politics and Society

Martyshenko N.S., Martyshenko S.N. Conditions and trends for the development of international tourism market in Japan

Abstract: The subject of this research is the international tourism market of Japan – one of the bordering countries with Russia’s Primorsky Krai. The study of this market attains special relevance in light of introduction of the new laws by the government of the Russian Federation, which encourage the investment activity in Primorsky Krai, as well as the establishment of the new state economic policy of Japan with regards to tourism. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the exchange of tourists between the key actors of the tourism market of the Northeast Asia. Special attention is given to the types of tourism that can be in demand among the Japanese tourists and other bordering with Primorsky Krai states. The methodology of analysis of the market includes such components as collection of information about the size, dynamics, and potential of development of the market, structure of propositions on goods and services, behavioral peculiarities of the actual and potential customers, national specificities, as well as competitiveness between the manufacturers of products and services. Certain conditions for development of the mass foreign tourism in the region are being determined. The authors also highlight the tourism directions, the development of which can become the drivers of advancement of the international tourism in Primorsky Krai. The place of cruise tourism as the key type of tourism for the port city, along with the new opportunities for the growth of foreign tourism due to collaboration with other regions of the Far East are being defined.


program of tourism development, consumer behabior, tourism infrastructure, ecological tourism, cruise tourism, event tourism, international tourism, tourism market, botanical garden, tourism potential

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