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Politics and Society
Pripisnova E.S. (2016). On some aspects of EU policy in the area of management of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Politics and Society, 12, 1693–1699.
Pripisnova E.S. On some aspects of EU policy in the area of management of the Arab-Israeli conflictAbstract: The subject of this research is the policy of the European Union in the area of management of the Arab-Israeli conflict. EU declarations gradually confirm the commitment to the principle of resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict based on the right of two nations to self-determination if comply with the human rights and the norms of international law. For achieving these goals, the European Union uses multiple diplomatic and economic tools, and most importantly, the privity of contract with Israel and Palestine. The purpose of this work consists in the analysis of actions of the European Union, which reveals the gap between the claimed goals of the EU and their realization in practice. The nature of such gap is associated with the character of EU actions, according to which the European Union collectively decided to apply certain means that serve to the unestablished goals and interests. The methodological basis of this article is the general scientific theoretical position about consistency of the complicated political interests, as well as the idea on interconditionality of the factors determining the formation of political strategy of the states. The author concludes that the EU policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict abides by the interest of “higher order”. A suggestion is made that reconsideration of the EU goals will not cause the refusal from obligations in the area of human rights and international law. The European Union can reject the goal pertaining to the creation of two states, however, it can lead to the actual recognition of the expansion of Israeli settlements, as well as control over the occupied Palestinian territories. Keywords: Palestine, Gaza Strip, Israel, International relations, Foreign policy, Regional security, Arab-Israeli conflict, Resolution of the conflict, Ethnic conflicts, European Union
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