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Politics and Society
Zhun Ya. (2016). The work of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the context of international economic integration. Politics and Society, 12, 1645–1650.
Zhun Ya. The work of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the context of international economic integrationAbstract: The subject of this research is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), while the object is the work of this organization in the context of international economic integration. It is demonstrates that peculiar relevance in examination of the integration processes within SCO space is gained by the analysis of development trends of the trade and economic cooperation of the Russian Federation with the states of Central Asia and PRC, namely special attention is given to the questions of preferential goods trade regime and elimination of surcharges. The author determines the peculiarities of functioning of SCO in the context of international economic integration. The main conclusions consist in the following positions: international economic integration over several decades is an intrinsic phenomenon of the global economic life, the scales of which constantly grow, as well as increases the amount of countries that actively participate in this process. We can follow the directly proportional dependence between the level of participation of a state in the integration processes and level of its economic development. In the economic sector of areas of influence, the important role in Central Asia belongs to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which performs the function of the efficient instrument of regional economic integration. All of the member-states of this organization are interested in the further increase of activeness of economic cooperation within the framework of SCO, considering their national interests. Keywords: Political consolidation, Information security, Reindustrialization, Import substitution, Chinese culture, China’s economic strategy, Geopolitics, Central Asian geopolitical vector, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, International economic integration
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