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Politics and Society

Dudin P.N., Razhbadinov R.R. Statehood of Mongolian nations of Inner Asia in 1920-1930's, located in the Soviet Union zone of influence

Abstract: The subject of research is the system of public authorities, as well as the constitutional development of the three political formations of Inner Asia, that were included in the so-called Soviet zone of influence in 1920-1930's: Mongolia (which later became the Mongolian People's Republic), Tannu-Tuva People's Republic and Buryatia (which later became the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). In the period of 1921-1936, all of them were legally a part of the Soviet Russia and the USSR (BMASSR 1923, TTNR - since 1944), or the Republic of China (Mongolia / MPR - in 1911-1945). The object of the study is the system of higher and local authorities, their constitutional and legal consolidation, conditions of the statehood process, and circumstances that influenced its change. The study was conducted using the analysis of the Constitutions and other legal acts (decisions of public authorities), examination of the status, order of formation and powers of the public authorities, as well as identification of their common and distinct features. The author is the first to comprehensively explore the nature of all of the three sate-like formations of Mongolian language peoples of Inner Asia that were under Soviet control and influence. The study subjects to the detailed analysis the Basic Laws of Mongolia, Tuva and Buryatia, as well as compares the bodies of state authority in their historical retrospective. This demonstrates the degree of influence of the Soviet Russia upon the polities comprising the zone of its interests.


Mongolian peoples, Constitution, Public authority, Nation-sate building, Statehood, Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, Congress

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