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Politics and Society
Kul'nazarova A.V., Kuz'min A.E. (2016). The models of interactions between the state and society in the Internet: analysis of the Russian practice. Politics and Society, 11, 1492–1498.
Kul'nazarova A.V., Kuz'min A.E. The models of interactions between the state and society in the Internet: analysis of the Russian practiceAbstract: The object of this research is the communication between the state and society, in other words, combination of practices of the information exchange and ways of its regulation between the government authorities, public structures, and individuals. The subject is the models of communication between the state and society in the Internet. The goal of the work consists in formulation of the models of communication between the state and society in the Internet, which allows analyzing the qualitative changes of such interaction. The relevance is justified by the need for development of the methodologies of analysis and assessment of the changes that take place within the communicative space of the Internet. As the key parameters, the authors examine the state regulation of the Internet space, as well as the level of citizens’ political participation. The authors propose the following four models: totalitarian, authoritarian, partnership, and liberal. The article also provides the additional criteria of analysis of communication, which allow identifying and characterizing each of the models more precisely. The conclusion is made that Russia signifies the transition from the authoritarian model of communication between the state and society in the Internet, substantiated by the prohibitory trends in regulation of the Internet, low level of civic initiatives, and simplification of the procedures of limitation of access to the information. Keywords: decision making, Internet regulation, communication, political participation, government regulation, e-democracy, e-government, internet, models of interaction, state and society
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