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Politics and Society
Antropova Yu.Yu. (2016). Problem of the future of family half-century afterwards: dialogue with A. G. Kharchev. Politics and Society, 10, 1460–1466.
Antropova Yu.Yu. Problem of the future of family half-century afterwards: dialogue with A. G. KharchevAbstract: The author presents the analysis of the status of the institution of family and childhood in the XXI century, as well as the modern child-parent relationship. At the same time, special attention is given to the phenomenon of the paradoxical development of family and childhood, including the subclinical deprivation of the upcoming generation and “latent” social orphanage, which is caused by the decrease of the quality in child-parent relations, psychological isolation of a child within family, and violence with regards to a child, The author also gives particular attention to the role of family in the primary socialization of childhood, as well as traces the quality of the primary socialization in development of society as a whole. Focus is made on the transformation of family as the social institution, changes of the circumstances under which the family is functioning, as well as accessibility of the childhood infrastructure. The article carries an interdisciplinary character and represents a so-called “dialogue” with A. G. Kharchev pertaining to one of the most essential questions associated with examination of family in sociology of the XX and XXI centuries, namely the development and quality of child-parent relations. A. G. Kharchev’s contribution into the Russian sociology of family is undisputable. As the foundation of the dialogue, the author takes the published in 1964 book by Anatoliĭ Georgievich Kharchev “Sociology of family: Problems of emerging science”. Namely in this work, Kharchev makes an attempt of social forecast of the future of family. In addition to that, the author in the dialogue with A. G. Kharchev contemplates about the future of family in the XXI century, which in many ways depends on the system of measures of assistance and support, which is created by the state and the regions. But most importantly, it depends on the quality of the dialogue between the state and the family. Keywords: the state family policy, pedagogical culture of parents, hidden social orphanhood, subclinical deprivation, mental deprivation, Children and parent relationship, Family of the XXI century, future family, family capacity, social forecasting
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