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Politics and Society
Novikov A.V. (2016). The models of party career in federal systems. Politics and Society, 10, 1356–1368.
Novikov A.V. The models of party career in federal systemsAbstract: The subject of this research is the role of party careers in vertical integration of state-territorial levels in binary and joint federal systems. A significant amount of the Western political parties has strong influence upon separate political careers of its members. The author also detects the meaningful differences in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the models of impact of the parties upon the political career. The article examines the main distinctions between the models of political career in joint and binary federal systems on the regional and federal territorial level. The author gives characteristics to the models of party political careers in the four federative systems: Canada, Australia, Austria, and Germany; eight fairly influential national parties that have divisions on the regional level were selected for the comparison. In the context of this research, the author reviews the following: 1) vertical connections within the framework of the federal leadership of the party; 2) vertical connections within the framework of the regional leadership of the party. The scientific novelty lies in the detection of the differences in quantity and quality of the vertical integration, which confirms that for the joint and binary federal systems there is no unified pattern of political career or a single political role of the parties in federal processes. In analysis of the vertical cumulation of the party and state institutions, the more integrated modes of career were detected among the European parties, rather than non-European partners. The party structures not only define the model of the political career through interpretation of the institutional incitements, but also create the specific organizational connections between the institutions on various political levels. Keywords: comparative analysis, vertical communications, federal system, institutions, political parties, political careers, Australia, Austria, Germany, Canada
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