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Politics and Society

Savchenko I.A., Ustinova O.E. The relevant issues of Internet communication between the government authorities and citizens: sociological analysis

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of relevant issue in development of Internet communication between the government authorities and citizens in modern Russia. As the example, the authors use the analysis of Internet communications of the municipal authorities of the Meshchansky District of Moscow. The subject of this research is the process of realization of Internet communication between the municipal authorities of the Meshchansky District of Moscow and the citizens. The article reveals the notions of Internet communication, as well as defines the peculiarities of Internet communication between the government and municipal administration and the society. The analysis of the normative legal grounds of administration of Internet communications between the aforementioned subjects, and the modern forms and methods of its realization is being conducted. The main conclusions of this work consist in substantiation of the need to improve the Internet communications between the government and municipal authorities and citizens regarding the provisions of the information openness and establishment of constant feedback system. The scientific novelty lies in the interdisciplinary character of this research, use of sociological methods for examination of the separate aspects of Internet communication between the government administration and citizens.


communication, information transparency, interaction, website, government administration, Internet communications, state, citizens, public administration, Internet

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