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Politics and Society

Neymatov A.Ya. Risks and threats of the color revolution in Kyrgyzstan

Abstract: The object of this research is the political situation and political process in the Kyrgyz Republic. The subject of this research is the risks and treats of the color revolution on Kyrgyzstan at the present stage. The author thoroughly examines the current political situation in Kyrgyzstan in the context of regional processes that destabilize the situation in Central Asia., as well as draws peculiar attention to the color revolutions, which are used by the West as the main instruments of political destabilization and dismantlement of the political regimes. It is noted that the modern color revolutions consists in the techniques of the government overthrows, in which the main mechanism is the youth protest movements that often on the collision courses with the authorities under nationalistic slogans. From the perspective of implementation of the color revolution scenarios, Kyrgyzstan remains in the high-risk zone for almost a decade. It is namely associated with its geostrategic location in Central Asia, as well as participation in the Eurasian integration projects. The risks of the color revolution just prior to the 2015 Parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan are justified by the presence of the constantly existing source of political instability in the Osh Region (the unofficial capital of the southern part of Kyrgyzstan); as well as by the unsolved problems pertaining to the distribution of power among the northern and southern elites, which bring a schism into the society, and also by the fact that the Kyrgyz Republic among all countries of Central Asia is the “weakest link” that is the easiest to break. In addition to these factors, the majority of the residents are villagers, usually with a poor level or lack of education, who could be easily affected by the pro-American or Islamist campaign or propaganda.


interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security

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