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Politics and Society

Surkova E.A. Theoretical grounds of the notion of “smart” power

Abstract:   The relevance of the phenomenon of “smart” power is being defined by a number of circumstances. First, this is a growing understanding among the politicians and political scientists of the fact that for the better insurance of the state and other interests it is necessary to attract the resources and mechanisms of “smart” power. Second, under the conditions of interdependence of the political and economic factors, any compulsion or use of force can turn against those who apply it; and due to this, the problem of exerting influence without coercion, but by means of the indirect methods of affecting public consciousness in the world politics remains relevant. Third, despite the extensive coverage of the problematic of “smart” power and interesting scientific approaches, they do not provide the necessary comprehensiveness regarding to the theoretical understanding of the term “smart” power to the full extent. The author makes a conclusion that “smart” power holds a specific place in theoretical understanding of the phenomena associated with the functioning and evolution of political power, as well as creates new opportunities for choosing a political strategy for the modern states and other members of the system of collective leadership in the world politics.  


Management, Authority, Political science, Politics, International relations, Government policy, Political process, “hard” power, “soft” power, “smart” power

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