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Politics and Society

Kas'yanova T.I. High school “Academy of Power”

Abstract: The subject of this research is the professional self-identification of high school students, as well as the issues of professional orientation support. The author also touches upon the problems of problems of professional orientation work in Russia. There is an acute necessity for preparation of the self-determining personality to an independent and conscious choice of career under the changing circumstances. The project “Academy of Power” implemented in Ural Federal University can be considered an attempt to establish the system of values and search of the meaning of a specific professional labor among the modern high school graduates. The content of the educational plan, various types of professional probes and forms of classes caused interest of the audience of “Academy of Power”. Classes on professional orientation have gained special importance among the students. Getting familiar with the system of state and municipal administration and communication with the professional allow the students to understand the essence of such activity more clearly. Professional orientation work is based on the principles of humanistic psychology, as well as techniques of activation professional and personal growth. Listeners of the “Academy of Power” underline the following essential features: the quality of education; help in professional self-determination; professionalism of the educators; forms of classes; friendly atmosphere in groups, and teamwork.


Values of professional labor, Activation of personal growth, State administration, Professional probes, Professional training, Humanistic psychology, Testing, Survey, Professional self-determination, Professional orientation

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