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Politics and Society

Omel'chenko D.A., Maksimova S.G., Noyanzina O.E., Goncharova N.P., Avdeeva G.S. Social Capital, Trust and Civic Participation of Modern Russian Youth

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the analysis of social capital of the youth in form of institutional trust and social networks of support as factor of participation in sociopolitical life of society. Based on the statistical data and surveys, the author determines the level and peculiarities of formalization of social capital of the youth, level of their involvement into politics, etc. The empirical foundation of this research consists in the data of sociological survey, performed by the members of Altai State University in the six regions bordering Russia. In order to build the forecasting models of behavior based on the hierarchical regression analysis, the author uses the simple and summary indexes of institutional and public trust, as well as civil and political participation. The results acquired during the course of this research allow claiming that the lack of importance of the traditional informal connections in establishment of potential of civil participation of the youth is characteristic to the current state of regional society. A determining factor for the youth is trust towards institutions of civil society (especially charitable), as well as environmental-oriented and legal organizations. The opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process through the civil unions and initiatives, respect for the freedom of speech alongside the cultural and political multiplicity, are the most appealing values for youth in the modern world.


nonprofit organizations, cvil society, political parties, youth activism, political participation, youth, civic engagement, trust, social capital, informal support networks

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