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Politics and Society

Velikzhanina K.A. To the question of integration of science and social policy in the Russian Federation at the municipal level

Abstract: This article examines the laws of formation and a trajectory of development of social policy through the prism of scientific-technical and socio-scientific activity of the subjects of public administration of Russia. The author thoroughly studies the theoretical-methodological aspects of integration of science and social policy for the purpose of realization of the main directions of government activity aimed at improvement of social wellness of population of the Russian Federation. The accent is made on the role of municipal administration with regards to their assistance in realization of the grant forms of support of social and scientifically important activity of a city. The analysis of the normative legal activity in the area of the state scientific-technical policy is being presented. Scientific novelty consists in determination of the main trajectories of the joint development of social policy and science in modern society, as well as in generalization and description of the key stages of establishment and development of the system of provision of grant technologies in the Russian Federation.


non-profit organizations, social sphere, competitive technologies, scientific and technical progress, local self-government, science, grant, social policy, city, integration

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