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Politics and Society

Kul'nazarova A.V. Restriction of the access to the Runet content: current situation and prospects

Abstract: This article presents the results of monitoring of the Unified Register of the banned websites. The author determines the dynamics of placing websites on the register, defines the main categories (themes) of the blocked content, as well as examines the legislative base of restriction of access to the Internet sources. An analysis is conducted on the popularity of the services of circumventing of the blocks that significantly lower the efficiency and the point of existence of the Register. The author determines the main problems and trends in the limitation of the access in the Russian Internet, as well as the possible scenarios of further government control over the Internet. The goal of this research is to determine the dynamics, regularities, and prospects of restriction of access to the Runet content. In order to achieve the set goal, the author conducted monitoring of the Unified Register of banned websites, classification of the prohibited content, as well as qualitative and statistical analysis of the data. The conclusion is made that the theme of the blocked websites matches the most acute sociopolitical problems (terrorism, Islamism, Ukrainian and Crimean questions, etc.); the majority of the blocked websites belongs or dedicated to the activity of the prohibited in Russia nationalistic, terrorist, and extremist organizations, whole the portion of the oppositional resources comprises just 11% of the websites. Considering the existing trends, we can suggest the further strengthening of control over the Internet environment with preparation of the corresponding legislative base and implementation of new techniques, which would hinder the unauthorized access to the banned materials.


extremist materials, government regulation, Internet technologies, blocking, Internet content, restricting access, banned websites, Unified Register, Internet communication, oppositional websites

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