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Politics and Society

Korotkova M.N. The state policy in the sphere of healthcare: the problem of staff shortage

Abstract: The object of this research is the state policy aimed at solution of the problem of staff shortage in the sphere of healthcare. The subject of this research is the attitude of the medical personnel towards this policy. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the reasons of choosing a medical profession, attitude of the medical personnel towards the problem of staff shortage, state policy aimed at solution of this issue, correlation between the employment conditions and place of employment (regional policy). This work used the method of sociological survey based on the 20 medical facilities of Perm Krai, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Sverdlovsk Oblast, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, and Udmurtia. The author makes the following conclusions: firstly, the main reason of choosing a medical profession is the “voice of heart”, which does not however  remove the financial interest of medics; secondly, in the problem of staff shortage the medics usually blame the government; thirdly, the medics admit the presence of correlation between the conditions and the place of employment, in other words the regional policy; and fourthly, the medics have different opinions  about the measures taken by the government. Thus, the medical personnel speak against the policy of optimization and implementation of an effective contract management system. On the other hand, they welcome the targeted reception, intensification of disease prevention, and various programs. According to the medical personnel opinion, in order to solve a problem of staff shortage, the government must pay attention to the financial incentives, social guarantees, and improvement of the status of medical profession in public eyes.


country doctor, target reception, effective contract, policy optimization, shortage of medical personnel, health, modernization, social policy, informatization and automation, sociological survey

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