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Politics and Society
Zamotaev D.Yu. (2016). The assessment of work efficiency of the public nongovernmental organizations: search of criteria and vectors of development. Politics and Society, 7, 977–984.
Zamotaev D.Yu. The assessment of work efficiency of the public nongovernmental organizations: search of criteria and vectors of developmentAbstract: The goal of this work is to assess the work efficiency of the public nongovernmental organizations (NGO) in Russia: search of criteria and vectors of their development. The subject of the research includes 25 essential characteristics of work efficiency on NGO, the examination of which based on the mathematical modeling allowed evaluating the quality of their work from the perspective of various social aspects, as well as their work in general. The material for this article consists of the analysis of theoretical research along with the sociological data acquired by the author through the survey among the residents of Krasnogorsk district of Moscow Oblast in the amount of 100 people. The positions of mathematical statistics, probability theory, and design experiment theory are also being implemented during the course of this work. Using such approach, the author was able to determine the weighted values of characteristics that describe NGO and compare them, which will allow objectivize the data acquired in empirical research. By understanding the “strong” and the “weak” criteria of efficiency and concretization of the controversial moments discovered in the course of this research, it becomes possible to determine the most problematic among them, as well as to affect the vector of the work of a public organization. Keywords: society, world outlook, efficiency, statistics, criteria, opinions, assessment, NGO, personality, activity
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