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Politics and Society
Igonin D.I. (2016). Ethnic-conflictological discourse on the migration policy in the situation of uncontrolled migration. Politics and Society, 7, 972–976.
Igonin D.I. Ethnic-conflictological discourse on the migration policy in the situation of uncontrolled migrationAbstract: This article explores the situation of replacement of the economic and culturological discourse of migration policy with the ethnic-conflictological. The author believes that the causes of this phenomenon lie in the global challenges of the international politics, increase of the illegal migration processes along with the demands for the legislative and political determination of ethnosocial communities and groups of immigrants of the same confession. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the problems of migration policy in the context of global changes of migration processes and intensification of the uncontrolled migration. In addition to that, the author justifies the inevitability of replacement of the economic-pragmatic and culturological discourse with ethnic-conflictological due to the challenges of the international politics and dominance of the illegal migration processes over the legal. Based on the content analysis over a period of 2013-2016, dedicated to the migration policy, we can observe that the scholars give closer attention to the ethnopolitical and etchnocultural issues of the uncontrolled migrations. This article presents different versions of the scenario of development of migration policy of the accepting countries due to the influx of illegal immigrants. The European migration policy is based on the “humanitarian intervention” doctrine, which virtually legalizes the development of the system of the new ethnic colonialism, as well as becomes the source of the growth of ethnopolitical conflict in the region. Keywords: migration process, European Union, national security, discourse of migration policy, uncontolled migration, multiculturalism, migration policy, Europe, migration, conflicts
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