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Politics and Society

Kazakov A.A. The ability to understand the theories of framing and establishment of attributive agenda (on the example of the elucidation of the Eastern Ukraine by the “Novaya Gazeta” and “New York Times”)

Abstract: The subject of this research is the peculiarities of elucidation of the Eastern Ukraine conflict by the Russian “Novaya Gazeta” and the American “New York Times”. The author analyzes the distribution of the articles dedicated to the events in the neighboring country, compares the subject matter of the publication and the broadcasted by the publishers framings and sources of the quotes. By dividing the materials of the newspapers into several informative blocs, the author gives special attention to the analysis of the most popular blocks on the events inside Russia and Ukraine, associated in one or another way with the aforementioned crisis. The conclusion is made that the simultaneous use of the framing theories and establishment of attributive agenda can be considered as one of the efficient mechanism of examination of the media texts. The author also notes the similarities in both newspapers regarding their approach towards the coverage of Ukrainian events. And moreover, it is interesting to observe that in certain cases, when talking about the assessment of the actions of Russia, journalist of the Russian “Novaya Gazeta” were at times more critical towards Kremlin than even their foreign colleagues.


conflict, USA, Russia, Ukraine, New York Times, Novaya Gazeta, attribute agenda establishment, framing, methodological potential, theory

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