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Politics and Society

Vasil'chenko O.K. Modern ideologies of fear management

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the modern ideologies of fear management. The author examines the motive of fear within the foreign and domestic policy of a state on the example of national security, making an accent on it, and intentional exaggeration of fears in society for the purpose of legitimation of the important political decisions. In the author’s opinion, the authorities must legitimate their political decisions through the public support. This public support however, should not contradict the official policy, which in turn, generates the need for formation of public opinion.  The author also reviews the topic of human security is called upon to overcome the negative consequences of the national security policy. A conclusion is made that the modern ideologies of fear management still remain a quite effective instrument of state policy. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to present a comprehensive outlook upon this problem by analyzing the emotion of fear in politics from various perspectives. This article can be used by the experts in the area of social philosophy and political science.


person, society, state, human security, homeland security, control, fear, policy, manipulation, rhetoric

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