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Politics and Society

Nesterova A.A., Slezin A.A. Komsomol as an organizer of the Pioneers’ activity at the brink of the 1950’s –1960’s

Abstract: The authors thoroughly examine the Komsomol patronage over the Pioneers under the conditions of Khrushchev Thaw. The source basis of the article contains the archive documents, primarily the documents from the Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History and State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast. The originally introduced into the scientific discourse documents of the lower-level Pioneer and Komsomol organizations allowed adjusting multiple conclusions of the documents of the higher-level authorities, as well as eliminate the stereotypes established within the historical science. Komsomol is viewed as a certain Soviet “ministry of youth”, interlink between the government, youth, and children. The experience of Komsomol activity and Pioneer organization is being evaluated from human and state perspective. Summarizing the patronage Komsomol activity at the brink of the 1950’s –1960’s the authors determine the increase of its efficiency; there was an active search for the most efficient forms and methods of working with various age groups of Pioneers. At the same time, the success of any initiative completely depended on the subjective factor: wherever there were people capable (not just enthusiastic) to carry out difficult and important tasks, the children living in these towns received an opportunity to not just pass time, but to also acquire rather useful communication skills, and were becoming involved in socially beneficial projects.


Druzhina, Khrushchev, Youth, Children, Patronage, Pioneer levels, Summer camp, Joint detachment, Pioneers, Komsomol

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