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Politics and Society
Grachev B.V. (2016). On correlation between the paradigms of international relation and classical theories of integration. Politics and Society, 7, 870–873.
Grachev B.V. On correlation between the paradigms of international relation and classical theories of integrationAbstract: This article is dedicated to comparison of the paradigms of the theory of international relations with the theories of classical integration. The principles of two main paradigms, political realism and liberalism, were taken as the basis for comparison with the two classical approaches to integration: federalism and functionalism. The goal of this work is determine whether or not there is a correlation between these theoretical constructs, as well as to test a hypothesis that the international concepts are located on a lower level of political research. This work provides a brief historical review of the establishment of paradigms of the theory of international relations, and determines their fundamental positions. As a result of this research the author demonstrates a secondary nature of the approaches towards integration with regards to the theory of international relations, which means that the theories of integration should be viewed as the byproduct of the highest political theories. Keywords: Theories of regional integration, Federalism, Functionalism, Integration theories, Liberalism, Political realism, International relations, Paradigms of international relations, Low-level theories, High-level theories
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