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Politics and Society

Korotkova M.N. State social policy: about the prospects of targeted admission into the medical universities of Russia

Abstract: The object of this research is the state policy aimed at solution of the issue of personnel deficit in the healthcare system. The subject of this research is the targeted admission into the medical higher education facilities in Russia. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as sources of distribution of information related to targeted admission:  attitude of the respondents to the conditions of agreement; causes that instigate breaking of a contract; factors that can remedy the situation. Special attention is given to the general assessment of state policy in this direction, as well as to the development of recommendations. The author made the following conclusions: firstly, we can observe a clear conscious decision of the choice of doctor profession, and a huge influence of the relatives engaged in the medical sphere towards making this decision; secondly, the variety of source of acquiring information about the targeted admission; thirdly, a low admission score as a main reason of choosing a targeted form of education; fourthly, presence of correlation between the desire to break an agreement and the region on employment, whether it was an independent decision or a reason to choose a targeted form of education; and fifthly, a low level of state policy efficiency in this direction. Besides the obvious factors that are capable of changing the situation, such as increasing salaries, creating conditions for professional growth, solution to the housing issue, the author suggests to consider the new recommendations: give an opportunity for free tuition in residency or post-graduate school; revision of the terms of contracts towards reduction; ability to choose a place of employment, etc.


young professionals, applicants, target reception, budget reception, shortage of medical personnel, health, breaking a contract, modernization, social policy, sociological survey

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