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Politics and Society
Kurbanov R.A. (2016). Scientific and technological cooperation within the Eurasian space in the historical-legal retrospect: experience of the socialist countries. Politics and Society, 5, 626–643.
Kurbanov R.A. Scientific and technological cooperation within the Eurasian space in the historical-legal retrospect: experience of the socialist countriesAbstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of experience of socialist countries pertaining to the interstate cooperation on the questions of scientific and technological development during the existence of USSR. It is underlined that the interstate relations of socialist countries in the area of science and technology covered the exchange of scientific and technological ideas and experience, execution of scientific research and construction projects based on the various forms of cooperation and labor division, personnel training in the scientific field, etc. The author reveals the peculiarities of classic interaction in the reviewed sphere and cooperation of the socialist countries within the framework of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon). Special attention is given to the direct interaction (both, bilateral and multilateral) between the scientific academies of the socialist camp countries in the area of fundamental natural and social sciences. The article analyzes the main agreements enacted in the scientific and technological sphere, as well as examines the institutional specificities of the created scientific facilities and joint authorities. The author concludes that by 1980 an international institutional structure of scientific cooperation between the scientific academies of socialist countries has been formed within the Eurasian space. Keywords: natural sciences, social sciences, Academy of Sciences, socialist countries, historical-legal aspect, scientific and technological cooperation, integration, joint research, scientific center, Eurasian space
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