Politics and Society
Bazhenov A.A., Lylov A.S. (2016). Electric power industry as a factor in the regional sustainable economic development (on the example of Vladimir Oblast) . Politics and Society, 5, 579–585. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54555
Bazhenov A.A., Lylov A.S. Electric power industry as a factor in the regional sustainable economic development (on the example of Vladimir Oblast)
This article examines and analyzes the role and place of the electric power industry organizations in formation of the gross regional product (GRP) of Vladimir Oblast. For the assessment of contribution made by the power energy plants into the GRP of the region, the authors conduct a structural analysis of GRP and revise its dynamics over the last 15 years. Considering that Vladimir Oblast is an energy deficient region (it is justified by the absence of large generating power stations), the electric power plants however, are regarded as a factor in sustainable development of the region. During the course of this research, the authors determined that electric energy is an important factor of the main socioeconomic processes in the modern world: life support of the population and household consumption, production of goods and services, environmental protection, and national security. In this regard, the role of this industry in Vladimir Oblast is not sizable, but nevertheless, the portion of this industry on the GRP is higher than an average index across Russian Federation. The authors also conclude that the stable functionality of electric power plants produces substantial impact upon the functionality of other industries in Vladimir Oblast, and acts as a factor in sustainable development of the region’s economy.
Analysis, Assessment, Region, Security, Development, Sustainable, Industry, Regional product, Gross, Electric energy
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