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Politics and Society
Ndayishimiye T.G. (2016). The traditions of legitimacy of power in Russia: from obedience to anarchy. Politics and Society, 4, 500–509.
Ndayishimiye T.G. The traditions of legitimacy of power in Russia: from obedience to anarchyAbstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of traditions of legitimacy of political power in Russia. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the lack of effectiveness and productivity of the linear approach that is common to scientific literature, therefore, the author suggests his own approach, which consists in the analysis of traditions that directly contradict is other. In examination of the political traditions affecting the establishment of legitimacy of power in Russia, the author used a comparative method with regards to traditions, culture, and worldview of the Russian people, as well as considered the influence of such peculiarities upon the problem of formation of the political dialogue in the Russian practice. The author analyzes only those traditions which are simultaneously present in the Russian political culture, participate in the establishment of the legitimacy, but at the same time hinder the formation of its unambiguous nature. It is noted that quite often, the legitimacy in Russia (an approval of the government work by the society) is contextual, irrational, and servile, thus it is important to overcome the polarity of the political traditions of the legitimacy of power in Russia. The author underlines that without overcoming the multiple polarity, common to the political traditions of legitimacy of power in Russia, the collaboration between the society and the state would be objectively impossible. Keywords: anarchism, statism, paternalism, democratic traditions, authoritarian traditions, political culture, traditions of legitimacy, personification, collectivism, political figure
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