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Politics and Society

Leonov Yu.S. On realization of state national policy of the Russian Federation: trends, problems, and prospects

Abstract: This article examines the questions of realization of the state national policy of the Russian Federation during the period of 2005-2015. The object of the research is the relevant issues in the area od interethnic relations and the introduced administrative solutions within the framework of implementation of the state national policy. The subject is the general and specific trends on the formation of strategy of political actions in the sphere of interethnic relations in Russia. The goal of this research is the determination of the dynamics, regularities, and specificity of the work of the main political actors (government, political parties) in the area of interethnic relations. Considering the international situation (intensive migration flows from the conflict zones and associated with it sociopolitical changes), the actualization of the ethno-political problematic in the public consciousness is a stable and long-term tendency. A special attention is given to the modernization of the federal legislation in the sphere of state national policy, as well as to the questions of counteraction to the interethnic conflicts.


Russian civil identity, migration, regions, international (interethnic) relations, State national policy, Russian nation, conflict, political parties, ideology, values

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