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Politics and Society

Sulimin A.N. The role of social ideas in organization of political order in Western and non-Western societies

Abstract: The object of this article is the constructive role of ideology in organization of the political order. It is claimed that in all societies the political process is organized on the fundamental ideas of social justice. The author points out that the individualistic ideas are common for basic institutions of the Western countries, while the collectivistic ideas define the genesis of non-Western civilizations. The author determines the regularity that the political orders based on the collectivistic ideas are more sensitive to degradation, because the ideological enthusiasm is a necessary condition for the political stability in non-Western societies. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the Russian political order genetically ascends to collectivistic institutional matrix, which existed in the form of Orthodox monarchy and Russian Communism. It is demonstrated that the attempt to dictate to the Russian society the individualistic ideas of liberal democracy turned out to be unsuccessful due to the absence of the principles of social justice in the modern politics. Thus, the organization of stable political order in Russia is impossible without implementation of the ideas of social justice within the modern political practices.  


political order, social justice, collectivism, individualism, self-organization, chaos, ideology, nonlinear dynamics, synergetics, ruling class

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