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Politics and Society

Polyanina A.K. Dignity as a substantial beginning of the principle of personal autonomy

Abstract: The scientific research of the problem of personal dignity is widely spread. This article reviews dignity as the origin of the majority of legal principles, including the principle of personal autonomy, which to the most extent reflects the essence of the aforementioned anthropological phenomenon. The author suggest to review autonomy, which is generally understood as self-regulation of a person based on the moral and ethical dogmas and ability to make independence choice, as a main idea of the concept of interrelations between person and state. Ensuring the security of personal autonomy, by analogy with dignity, is proposed to acknowledge as responsibility of government. The article contains conclusions about the existence of a serious issue of personal realization in the modern society, threats to the inner self-identification of an individual, as well as development and application of volitional qualities with regards to free choice. The author suggests accepting the principle of personal autonomy that is directly based on dignity, and at the same time concretizes its separate types of state legal influence, the goal of which is to secure the personal development and protection of its psychological resources for the unsanctioned influence.


Identity, Constitutional principles, Dignity, Autonomy, Subjectivity, Moral autonomy, Freedom, Expression of will, Individualization, Security

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