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Politics and Society
Noyanzina O.E., Goncharova N.P. (2016). Expert evaluation of state migration policy and job marker regulation. Politics and Society, 3, 335–344.
Noyanzina O.E., Goncharova N.P. Expert evaluation of state migration policy and job marker regulationAbstract: This article presents the results of sociological research in a form of expert interview, the goal of which was the examination of the illegal work migration as a risk to social exclusion on the Altai Krai job market, and the development of propositions on optimization of regional policy of regulation of the migration processes and the employment of population. The conducted analysis is aimed at the determination of peculiarities by the work migrants of the individual perception of the state and situation of social exclusion/inclusion on the job market (including the illegal work migrants and population of the Krai), the relationship between the illegal work migrants and the government authorities and other actors of job marker, as well as the assessment of the migration policy and the vector of its effect upon the state and development of the regional job market. The conclusion is made that currently, due to the low level of legal culture among population and low level of legal responsibility among the employers, as well as “loyal” attitude of the supervisory authorities, inability for government authorities to have control over situation, absence of real mechanisms of the normative-legal regulation, are created the favorable circumstances for using the mechanisms of informal (undocumented) employment. According to the expert evaluation, migration currently is not a real threat to the regional security, because the migrant flow is still moderate. However, if not apply additional measures of legislative regulation and not control the migration behavior of the population, it can in future be dangerous for the bordering regions. Keywords: Expert, Expert evaluation, Job market, Exclusion, Migrant, Migration, Work migrant, Migration policy, Social exclusion, Exclusion of the job market
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