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Politics and Society
Kshemenetskaya M.N. (2016). Peculiarities of transformation of electronic government in the modern world: mobile government. Politics and Society, 3, 311–319.
Kshemenetskaya M.N. Peculiarities of transformation of electronic government in the modern world: mobile governmentAbstract: The subject of this research is the process of transformation of e-government in the modern world, as well as the examination of its stages – transforming, electronic, and universal government. At the same time, mGovernment is reviewed as an element of development of electronic and universal government and is referred to both: in the first case as technique, and in the second case as strategy that activates the establishment of universal society. On the example of the Republic of Korea the author illustrates the peculiarities and problems of the use of information technologies in the process of formation of the universal government and universal society. Scientific novelty consists in the gradual examination of the key stages in the establishment of e-government – transforming, electronic, and universal government; and on the example of the Republic of Korea the main peculiarities and challenges faced by this process, are being demonstrated. The novelty also includes the analysis of electronic tools of mGovernment and universal government. Keywords: Internet, Republic of Korea, universal society, mGovernment, universal government, transforming government, e-government, State services, Information-communication technologies, e-democracy
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