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Politics and Society

Karpovich O.G. “Soft power” of the Brazilian model of federalism

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the research of the essence, content, and main peculiarities of the Brazil model of federalism. The object of this work of this work is the Brazilian model of federalism, while the subject is the structure, concept, and specific aspects of the functioning of the Brazilian model of federalism, as well as its attractiveness (soft power) in the eyes of the other Latin American countries. Being a country with the multidimensional identity, Brazil was able to establish a unique model of the federative relations, which allows supporting an ethno-confessional balance within the initially very diverse ethnic environment and avoiding interethnic and interconfessional conflicts. The author notes that the “soft power” of the Brazilian federalism first and foremost manifests in the unconditional successes achieved by the country in formation of its own unique multidimensional identity, and seems very appealing for the entire Latin America. The constituents of Brazil – the states – are endowed with a certain level of freedom and independence, but it does not become the stimulating factor for spreading separatist activities in the country. Brazil does not have separatism in its modern political life. For the purpose of prevention of the possible conflicts between the states, the institute of the federal intervention is codified in the Brazilian Constitution. The Brazilian model of federalism is one of the most essential sources of the soft power and is being promoted for export.


geopolitika, mirovaya politika, mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, diplomatiya, interesy, gosudarstvo, riski

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