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Politics and Society

Korotkova M.N., Sukhoeva M.A. State policy with regards to healthcare: on the question of informatization and automatization of medical facilities in Russia on the example of Perm Krai

Abstract: The object of this research is the state policy that is aimed at modernization of the healthcare system. The subject is the process of informatization and automatization of medical facilities in Russia. The authors of the article thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the attitude of medical professionals towards the informatization and automatization of healthcare system, technical readiness of healthcare workers for the implementation of the new system of electronic health records and document flow, positives and negatives of cooperation with such system. A special attention is given to the general assessment of state policy in this direction. The article underlines the satisfactory technical readiness of medical personnel towards the implementation of new innovative forms of work; lists a number of organizational, technical, and legal problems pertaining to the launch of the new system of electronic health records and document flow. The authors conclude that healthcare personnel have neutral-positive attitude towards the idea of implementation of electronic health records and document flow in general, and to the state policy in this sphere in particular.  


concept of development, social policy, modernization, health care, introduction of innovative technologies, informatization, automation of health care, public opinion poll, electronic document management, electronic health record

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