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Politics and Society
Popov E.A.
Modern sociological knowledge in the conditions of culture-centric cooperation of sciences
// Politics and Society.
2015. ¹ 12.
P. 1729-1737.
Popov E.A. Modern sociological knowledge in the conditions of culture-centric cooperation of sciencesAbstract: The subject of this research is the interdisciplinary collaboration of sciences and knowledge overall, and sociological science in particular. The experience of the development of sciences most often confirms their formal mutual cooperation; at the same time methods and techniques of conducting the applied researchers are being borrowed. Every so often, sciences tolerate the partial use of the methods of empirical sociology. They do not evaluate neither the adequacy of implementation of one or another method or means of measurement, nor devise necessary tools. Such state of collaboration cannot be called interdisciplinary as it exists; thus, the article focuses of the determination of boundaries of interdisciplinarity within the socio-humanistic knowledge. The subject of the research is being reviewed in the broad spectrum of the value-conceptual phenomena within mutual systematic cooperation. Among the main conclusions are the following positions: sociology utilizes many research methods, and other sciences borrow first and foremost the methodological base. However, interdisciplinarity also provides other conditions and results of the collaboration of the scientific knowledge: a) theoretical and methodological reflection; b) accord of actions in resolution of a specific scientific problem; c) establishment of a connection with foreign researches; d) creation of a scientific school, etc. Keywords: methodology, social knowledge, cognition, norms, values, sociology, society, culture, science, problems of sociology
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