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Politics and Society
Volokh V.A., Suleymanova Sh.S. (2015). Role and Meaning of Media Politics in Migration Processes Administration. Politics and Society, 10, 1427–1433.
Volokh V.A., Suleymanova Sh.S. Role and Meaning of Media Politics in Migration Processes AdministrationAbstract: The subject of the research is media politics. The object of the research is migration processes administration. The article analyses the synthesis of the notions “migration” and “communication”, and suggests the notion “migration communication”. The author highlights different degrees of sustainability of connections, communication, information exchange, as well as types and nature of such communication. Examining the development of civil society institutions in the field of migration, the author notes that the issues of migration are diverse and complex, which correspondingly requires the coordination of the activity of all decision-making structures which undoubtedly should be carried out based on the interaction between the representatives of governmental authorities and civil society. The study used such methodological approaches to the research on migration processes as logical analysis, synthesis, generalisation, analogies, classification, provisions of correlation-regression analysis, factor analysis. The authors come to a conclusion that in the formation and implementation of migration policy it is necessary to achieve communicative and informational identity. Considering the unity of migration and informational policy, the article analyses the notions of “power”, “informational power” and “spiritual power” in regard to “migration demographical policy”, justifying the unity of migration and informational policy. Migration and migration policy are of communicative nature and develop under information exchange, where a significant role is played by media communications and media, which creates the task of provision of ethnical and information identity with the means of political communication and information. Keywords: non-governmental organization, information analysis, civil society, media policy, migration processes, migration policy, migration, labour migration, conception, FMS of Russia
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