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Politics and Society

Popov E.A. Sociologists and Social Reality: Borders of the Researcher’s Responsibility in Scientific Work

Abstract: The subject of the research is the culture of scientific work in the field of modern social and humanitarian knowledge, and, in particular, sociological science. It is worth mentioning that the research culture is connected not only with methodical security and professionalism of the scientists, but also with such categories as the researcher’s responsibility for the results, as well as search for the truth. The last factor is of great significant for the system of knowledge in general, and moreover, it impacts the justification of the results of the research. The main research method is theoretical analysis of the issue of scientist’s responsibility for the results of his/her study in the field of sociology. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1) scientific responsibility is one of the main factors of development of modern sciences and sociohumanitarian knowledge; 2) search for truth, and not only simple statements of scientific data is one of the most necessary conditions for the scientific research in sociology and also in sociohumanitarian knowledge in general.   


sociocultural processes, cognition, norms, values, sociology, society, culture, methodology, science, problems of Sociology

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