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Politics and Society

Bolotnova A.A. The Impact of the Western Sanctions on the Russian Policy in the Sphere of International Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the current international cultural and humanitarian policy of Russia and characterises its major achievements in 2014. Special emphasis is put on the international cultural isolation of Russia under the internationalisation of the Ukrainian crisis. The article explores the peculiar features of the "cultural" sanctions against Russia, their consequences and the public attitude towards them in Russia. Moreover, the article reveals the reasons for the enhancement of the role of culture in contemporary international relations as a mechanism of solving international contradictions. The following methods were used in the study: sociological (which allowed to reveal the influence of the cultural factor on politics) and situation method. The novelty of the research lies in the proof of politicisation of international cultural relations. The author concludes that “cultural sanctions" did not have a significant impact on the cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and foreign countries, and that Russia continues to develop international cultural dialogue during the period of international tension.


cultural and humanitarian relations, Russia, culture, foreign policy, «soft power», sanctions, foreign cultural policy, diplomacy, image, influence

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