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Politics and Society

Abramov R.A. Topical Issues of the Managerial Degrees of Higher Education in Russian Economic Universities

Abstract: The article considers different aspects of state educational policy regarding managerial degrees in higher education institutions and its influence on the economic development of the country. It is illustrated by the example of the study programme "Public administration". Special attention is paid to such issues as the connection between the rules of admission and an effect they have on a career choice, the students' vision of academic planning, graduates' self-fulfilment in a certain professional field. The author emphasises the problem of the students' unwillingness to return to their regions from the capital as a factor of regional development gap. In order to make his arguments more persuasive, the author not only used theoretical methods of research (analytical, synthetic, comparative, abstract methods), but also conducted an anonymous survey of first-, second- and third-year students specialising in "Public administration". In the survey the students expressed their points of view on a number of aspects of the modern educational system and organisation of study in the University, and also told about their career and academic plans after graduation. The main scientific result of the research is elaboration of a system of measures aimed at improving of the efficiency of managerial training and modernisation of education in Russia in general. The article shows the opportunities of using foreign experience to improve the admission rules, and describes the economic effect of such reforms. The necessity to introduce state education programmes related to job placement based on the place of residence and its importance for the narrowing of regional development gap are also justified by the author.


career advancement, job placement, career choice, public administration, professional self-fulfillment, managerial degree, Bologna Process, Federal State Education Standards, regional differentiation, education

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