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Politics and Society

Popov E.A. Culture-Centrism as a Direction of Social Security Analysis in Modern Scientific Discourse

Abstract: The subject of the research is social security. The handlings of this phenomenon mainly concern the mechanisms of provision of this sort of security by the state. Modern social and humanitarian science often understands social security as a condition of the society when various social, political and economic threats are overcome, and thus, society, individuals and state cooperate harmoniously. In the meantime, social security should also be considered in its sociocultural aspect. This is what the present article focuses on. The main methodological point of view of the considered topic is sociocultural approach which allows to study social security as a part of a system of values and norms. The main conclusions of the conducted research are as follows: 1) social security should be considered not only from the point of view of sociocentrism (as a phenomenon that provides social stability), but also from the point of view of sociocultural approach (as a phenomenon that contributes to the full-fledged interaction of society, individuals, state and culture); 2) culture-centric vector of study of social security in modern science allows to disclose value and norm "potential" of the present subject of study. 


security, social security, cognition, norms, values, sociology, society, culture, science, sociocultural aspect

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