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Politics and Society
Okatov A.V. (2015). G. Tarde on Sociological Approaches to the Study of the Society. Politics and Society, 8, 1093–1103.
Okatov A.V. G. Tarde on Sociological Approaches to the Study of the SocietyAbstract: The article considers the main ideas of the sociological concept by G. Tarde - one of the most outstanding representatives of social psychology in late XIX - early XX century. The article analyses theoretical and methodological conditions for the formation of his vies and lists philosophical and worldview bases of the sociological doctrine of the thinker. Special attention is paid to such significant aspects of G. Tarde's scientific works as the concept of imitation, the theory of herd behaviour (the problem of crowd and public), research on the role of media in the formation of public opinion and civil society. Based on the most important works by Tarde, the author analyses the methodological basis for the study of the society suggested by the scientist (archaeological and statistical methods). The result of the present paper is the disclosure of internal interconnections of the main elements of the sociological concept suggested by the French scientist. The author provides general assessment of Tarde's contribution into the elaboration of a scientific approach to the study of the society in general and the civil society in particular, and also reveals some general features of Tarde's views. The author attempts to critically consider the ideas of the French thinker in the context of modern sociological paradigms. Keywords: psychologism in sociology, imitation, opposition, adaptation, archaeological method, statistical method, public, public opinion, crowd, civil society
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