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Politics and Society
Andreev A.V. (2015). The Role of Education in the Process of the Political Modernisation in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 8, 989–995.
Andreev A.V. The Role of Education in the Process of the Political Modernisation in the Russian FederationAbstract: In the present article the author considers the influence of the state educational policy on the sociocultural life of modern Russia and justifies the interconnection between the successful reforms in the area of education and appearance of efficient businessmen in the country due to the preparation in a university that actively participates in the political modernisation of the country. The subject of the study are the peculiarities of the influence of state educational policy on the concept of political modernisation in Russia. The object of the study is the political modernisation and state educational policy. The aim of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of the influence of the education on the concept of political modernisation in Russia. The author examines the differences between the terms "policy in the field of education" and "educational policy". Special attention is paid to the justification of interconnection between the successful reforms in the area of education and appearance of efficient businessmen in the country due to the preparation in a university that actively participates in the political modernisation of the country. The institutional method defines the mechanism of of the influence of the educational sphere on the political modernisation in Russia, the main goal of which is to turn this sphere into a tool of social partnership stimulating the distribution of transformations in other social fields. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that it shows major difficulties in the exercising of the new Law on education by the regions when it comes to combining classical school with the Bologna principles. The main conclusion is the suggestion that the innovations in education form a national modernising coalition through a compromise between the state, scientists, business and society. Keywords: world environment, innovative development, mixed-up education, innovations, educational reform, social policy, political modernisation, globalisation, Russian educational system, social sphere
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