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Politics and Society

Balakleets N.A. Gestalt of the Partisan as a Transgressive Phenomenon: Carl Schmitt’s Political and Philosophical Theory of the Partisan

Abstract: The subject of the present study is the phenomenon of the partisan presented in Carl Schmitt’s “Theory of the Partisan”. The gestalt of the partisan is analysed in the context of the ideas of E. Junger, G. Münkler, I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, G. Bataille, F. Nietzsche, W. Sombart and others. The follow ing major social and political characteristics of the partisan are disclosed: irregularity, political engagement, increased mobility, telluric character. The author explicates the heuristic potential of C. Schmitt’s concept of the Partisan in conditions of depoliticisation of modern society, erasing borders between the conditions of war and peace, levelling the differences between regular and irregular armed groups. Along with the general scientific research methodology the author uses systems and anthropological approaches to the analysis of political phenomena, as well as the principle of methodological holism.The scientific novelty of the research lies in the interpretation of the Gestalt of the Partisan as a transgressive element of social space that exists in the semantic field between the poles of “combatant” and “terrorist”, but does not merge completely with any of them. In the author's interpretation the Gestalt of the Partisan is treated as anti-discourse element of social space, an element of resistance to the dominant discourse of power, therefore, it represents the greatest threat to the unifying power mechanisms in the globalised world.


justus hostis, combatant, war, state, transgression, space, Gestalt, partisan, power, Carl Schmitt

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