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Poteryaeva O.B., Dubrovskaya E.A. Problems of Social and Psychological Adaptation of First-Year Students to Studies in Higher Education Institutions (by the example of Ural Federal University)

Abstract: The subject of the research is the adaptation of the first-year students of B. Yeltsin Ural Federal University to the conditions of a higher education institution. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the preparedness of applicants, now students, to the conditions of a higher education institution, and the willingness of the higher education institution to provide a socially comfortable environment. Special attention is paid to such issues as: difficulties emerging under the new studying conditions, effectiveness of adaptation regarding the acceptance of norms and requirements of student life and the traditions of the institution. The significance of social and psychological adaptation of the students is justified by the fact that this process implies transition from the level of national tasks to the level of real life activity of a person. The research is of interdisciplinary nature. The main conclusions of the conducted study consist of identifying the reasons for difficulties in the process of social and psychological adaptation of the first-year students: absence of the usual social circle, inconvenient timetable, overload by studies, insufficient level of pre-university preparation, living conditions in the halls of residence. Friends that also entered a higher education institution, classmates and senior students also provide great help during the social and psychological adaptation. According to the students, the least help is provided by the student course supervisors. The research discovered no socially maladjusted first-year students, there is only an insufficient level of adaptation of first-year students according to certain parameters. This allows to draw a conclusion that in Ural Federal University there are all necessary conditions to improve the social and psychological adaptation of students. 


satisfaction with the educational environment, general adaptation syndrome, first-year students., applicants, professional education, socialisation, psychological climate, orientation, social and psychological adaptation, factors of successful adaptation

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