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Politics and Society
Alireza N. (2015). Russia and Iran's Nuclear Program in the Geopolitical Context of the Middle East. Politics and Society, 7, 879–888.
Alireza N. Russia and Iran's Nuclear Program in the Geopolitical Context of the Middle EastAbstract: In the last years, Iran's nuclear program and the Arab Spring, especially the events in Libya and Syria have contributed to the reinforcement of geopolitical competition in the Middle East. These events are significantly connected with the expansionist geopolitical strategy of the West to change the long-term arrangement of the region for its own benefit and create the "New Middle East". Reacting to such an aggressive approach, Russia preferred to abstain from the previously used careful approach, taking up an independent attitude to protect its own interests. To study the topic of the article and reach the desired goals, historical, comparative and systems methods of analysis were applied. Although the Arab Spring provided an opportunity to activate the Russian Middle East policy, the lack of a universal strategy is an obstacle to reach the long-term goals in the region. This defect can be seen, on the one hand, in the Russian "direct resistance" in Syria, and on the other hand - in Russia's cooperation in legitimation of unlawful pressure on Iran and its nuclear program. Inefficiency of this policy is especially noticeable in the context of changing conditions in the region and the Western focus on more and more aggressive geopolitical policy. Keywords: Russia, West, New Middle East, geopolitics, USA, Arab Spring, strategy, aggressive approach, geopolitical competition
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