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Politics and Society

Dobrynin I.M., Lebedeva A.M., Narkhov D.Yu. Information and Communication Technologies in Students Sporting Events

Abstract: The object of the present study is the student youth as one of the most socially dynamic social entities that possesses a considerable resource potential that needs to be purposefully formed. The student culture of healthy lifestyle in this case is considered both as a part of the students' resource potential, and as an element of the state youth policy, which actually forms the mentioned resource. The subject of the study are the information and communication technologies in the field of fitness and sport. The authors study their specific features, role and significance for the students when conducting mass sporting events. At the same time, the focus is made on the ambiguity of the potential of the information and communication technologies: on the one hand, it has a negative impact on the youth, including the exploitation of the sport topics, but on the other hand - it is an effective means of involving students to systematic fitness and sport activities, including mass sports as the most available and fruitful from the point of view of the healthy lifestyle culture. The data of regional sociological research on the attitude of the population in general and students in particular, to fitness and sport, conducted with the participation of the authors, are compared to the results of the sociological survey of the participants of the "Utro-2014" forum (purposive sampling, every tenth participant surveyed, N=259), and a series of expert semi-formalised interviews. Based on the original sociological data, the authors demonstrate that the modern opportunities of the media for the propaganda of fitness and healthy lifestyle are not used to the full extent. It is justified that on the regional level there is an interauthority disruption regarding the management of student sports and its media support. The authors justify the need to elaborate targeted projects to activate the information support of mass sporting events under the implementation of state youth policy on the formation of a stable demand for fitness and sports among students.   


healthy lifestyle, information and communication technologies, advertisement, public relations, fitness, youth, mass sporting events, students, state youth policy, information influence

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