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Politics and Society
Lalek M. (2015). The Role of the Southern Gas Corridor in Europe’s Energy Security. Politics and Society, 6, 772–778.
Lalek M. The Role of the Southern Gas Corridor in Europe’s Energy SecurityAbstract: The article focuses on the issue of implementation of the European strategy of ensuring the security of energy supply through pipelines. The European Union has participated in development of various alternative projects to end the Russian monopoly on energy supply. At the moment, Azerbaijan is the only country that is capable to ensure European energy security, and Turkey is aiming to become an irreplaceable energy transition corridor in the region. The European Union assigns high priority to the supplies of hydrocarbons through pipelines from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq and even Iran. The article is based on a great number of works of foreign scientists, statistic data, and reports of different research institutions from all over the world. The publication of the article will allow the readers to comprehensively look at the issue of ensuring European energy security. The main conclusions of the conducted study show that it serves the interests of the European Union to destroy the Russian monopoly and ensure the security of energy supplies through pipelines. The publication is of interest due to the fact that the author evaluates the situation taking into account regional and international actors, as well as the balance of powers. Following this data, it is possible to see the integral picture of the future of the energy security of the European Union. Keywords: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia, South Stream, Southern Gas Corridor, energy supply security, EU, Transit corridor, Shah Deniz, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
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