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Politics and Society

Shakhin K. Dynamics of Globalisation in the Field of Culture

Abstract: The main aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the processes of globalisation in the field of culture, its main models and special features. Special attention is paid to the expansion of Western (first of all, American) culture to different regions and countries of the world, loss of traditional values and lifestyle, the national identity crisis, consolidation of material values and their prevalence over the spiritual values, as well as Americanisation of life in many countries of the world, etc.  In summary, facts and conclusions are presented that prove that cultural globalisation occurs under the dominance of Western (American) culture. However, the East, in its turn, also influences the West, so the interconnected processes of Westernisation and Easternisation are taking place. The author adhered to the complex approach and the principle of objectivity. The study relied on the method of historical-sociological analysis, as well as the logical method that imply the examination of social processes in their historical consequence and logically generalised. The author used the methods of analysis and synthesis, studying cultural aspects of globalisation both partially and as a whole. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that despite the doubtless universal distribution of Western values and orientations, the Western culture has not become universal on a global scale by now. The ideas of cultural diversity are being gradually consolidated, that brings the lacking elements to the system of public values. The consolidation of the idea of cultural diversity implies the necessity for every single society to learn how to select some components from other cultures, which should not create obstacles for self-identification within the framework of the emerging collage of the elements from different cultures.


strong-weak cultures, Easternisation, hybridisation, localisation, sub-globalisation, American cultural imperialism, global culture, globalisation, alternative globalisations, Westernisation

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