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Politics and Society
Dilekchi R. (2015). Changes in Turkish Families Amid Modernisation. Politics and Society, 6, 687–695.
Dilekchi R. Changes in Turkish Families Amid ModernisationAbstract: The author highlights the socio-historical path of a Turkish family, changing of gender roles in it, considering the different existing family types. Today a Turkish family is influenced by countervailing factors: values of Islamic culture and religion, on the one hand, and modernisation (including Westernisation), Western values, on the other. Although in Turkey there are as well changes in the area of marriage and family, in the matrimonial behaviour of the youth, the Turkish family still looks unharmed, it is a great value for all generations. The article is based upon numerous works of Turkish scientists, statistical and sociological data. Publication of the article will allow the readers to find out some features of a Turkish family and get a better knowledge of the life of a Muslim "social cell". R. Dilekchi's article is of interest, since it provides information about the life of Turkish society through the prism of evaluation and functioning of a Turkish family. A Muslim family is different from a Christian family. Although the purpose of the family is similar in any culture, yet each of them has a specific gender family structure, peculiar conditions and way of life, marriage and family ideology, the nature of relations between the spouses, children and relatives. Keywords: Turkey, Islam, modernisation, changes, society, Westernisation, modernity, tradition, family, value
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