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Politics and Society
Vardak S. (2015). The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Evolution of Statehood. Politics and Society, 5, 613–617.
Vardak S. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Evolution of StatehoodAbstract: The object of the research is the statehood of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The subject of the research are the peculiarities of the formation of Afghanistan's statehood. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as religious and historical determinants of political genesis. The author outlines six logical stages of this formation, connected not only with the shift of power and government, but also with the religious factor, which significantly influences the life of the country. Special attention is paid to the dynamic changes in the political realia of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The research is based on a case study that involves analytical description of a particular situation as a part of the political process. It has been proved that the dynamic changes in the Afghanistan's political realia imply the new logic of interpretation of its political processes, the paradigms of its policy and government. The conclusions of the work can be interesting for the teaching of some disciplines within the courses on political problems and technologies; they can also be useful for understanding of the problems of the political processes in contemporary Afghanistan. Keywords: disabled state, international relations, evolution, statehood, religious factor, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, democratic experiment, M. Daoud, mujahideen, civil war
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